Thriving in Residential Construction: Tips for Small-Town Builders

Thriving in Residential Construction: Tips for Small-Town Builders title on white background with photo of Amelia Lee and Duayne Pearce and Live Life Build Logo

Small-town builders can thrive in residential construction with the right strategies.

Find out how small-town builders can succeed in the competitive residential construction market.

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Running a construction business in a small town can be challenging. Limited clientele, a few competitors, and difficulty hiring skilled staff can make growth seem impossible. But with the right strategies and mindset, even small-town builders can achieve significant success. 

This blog post explores how small-town builders can thrive in the residential construction industry with Todd’s journey as an example of overcoming these challenges.

The Small-Town Challenge


So, a common problem we encounter with people who are thinking about signing up is this “small-town syndrome”. 

One of our members, Todd, thought he was in a small town. He couldn’t grow. He couldn’t charge what he needed to charge because there were only a handful of builders in the town. 


Yeah, and we have a lot of members in regional and rural locations, don’t we? Who comes up against this and thinks they’re just looking around and comparing themselves to what else is available and what their potential clients have to choose from. 

They think it’s not possible, 

“I’m just not going to be able to charge any different from what I have been in the past.” 

And also thinking then about they can’t get the staff that they need to grow their business. 

Overcoming the Small-Town Syndrome

It was awesome to see Todd dive in, make the commitment to join Elevate, and see that all of these things were just stories that he was telling himself and that there was actually a different opportunity available for him. 


It’s been so exciting to see, he’s broken all those lies and stories he was telling himself in his head. They’re just not true.

And even being in that small town with, I think there’s only three or four main builder, he’s been able to overcome all that. 

Understand his numbers. 

He’s doing our PAC Process.

He’s got work booked up a long time in advance.

He’s grown his team. 

Even to the point where he’s now bought an investment property, they’ve got a caravan, and they’re getting back to doing the things that you get into business for. 

The Broader Impact of Success


I remember his partner came along to our first live event that we hosted, and she said to me, “Thank you for giving me my husband back.” And I was blown away, because that’s what we do this for, isn’t it?

We want builders to remember the reason why they got into business: to help their families have a better life and spend more time with their kids. 

It’s awesome to see Todd do his Friday wins while he’s camping somewhere. He’s role-modelling a different approach, a different way of life, to his family and to his children, which is just going to have a generational impact on them. 


And it goes to show that it doesn’t matter where your location is. Live Life Build helps you with everything, not just building life. 

It’s a one-stop shop and people have success. 


Yeah, it’s brilliant. 

Todd’s transformation is a testament to the power of belief and the right support system. ELEVATE from Live Life Build has been instrumental in helping builders like Todd overcome the small-town syndrome and achieve their dreams. His story is not just about business success but also about reclaiming the joy and purpose that comes with it.

Don’t let the small-town syndrome hold you back. 

Join ELEVATE today and take the first step towards a better business and life.

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