Achieving Success and Work-Life Balance in Custom Home Building

Achieving Success and Work-Life Balance in Custom Home Building title on white background with photo of Amelia Lee and Duayne Pearce and Live Life Build Logo

Are you looking for a better work-life balance in your custom home building business?

Effective systems and strong community support are the proven way to help you, as a custom home builder, achieve work-life balance.

Watch the video now, or read the transcript below. Be sure to also subscribe to the Live Life Build YouTube channel.

Success in the custom home-building business often comes with many challenges and pressures. However, with the correct systems and support in place, you can succeed as a custom home builder on a professional and personal level.

Watch the video or read the blog, and learn about Luke’s true success story and the life-changing impact of mentorship, community, and smart business strategies.

The Beginning of the Journey


What I love about ELEVATE is that it attracts builders of all different ages and experiences. One of our younger builders, Luke, was really challenged by a fair few things in his business and also challenged with his confidence generally, how he was able to show up with his clients, and the way that he worked. 


He didn’t know what he didn’t know. 

It was really interesting to meet him at our live event last year because he was in quite a bad situation there—struggling to pay his bills. 

He’d only been with us a few months and had no direction. And it was putting a lot of strain on his personal relationship as well. 

So it’s been incredible to see him 12 months on, like the company is about to make the biggest profit they ever have. 

He’s implementing all of our systems. 

He’s doing the PAC Process with every single job and just absolutely killing it. 

But just from my conversation with him, what it’s brought back to his relationship with his partner has been huge. 

And we’re very big at Live Life Build about more than just having a great business. 

It’s about having a great lifestyle. 

It’s connecting with people, it’s communication. 

It is so rewarding to see people who are not only doing well in their businesses but also succeeding in their lives. 

The Ripple Effect of Success


Because he’s been able to put these things into practice and get his business running well, he’s been able to free up time to pursue his own hobbies and do the things he loves. 

It’s awesome to see what happens with these guys when they join—just that ripple effect into so many different dimensions of their lives. 

And when they make that commitment, they put things into practice and really make those changes. 


I think one of the really big things with Live Life Build and ELEVATE is that every member who comes to us has potential, but they don’t realise it. 

Being involved in our community,

Having the guidance,

Having the support,

Having just all of our Zoom calls and everything we go through with them,

Seeing them grow and gain confidence, and then seeing how that flows out to every other area of their life. 

Seriously, it’s given me goosebumps. 


Oh, me too. Yeah, it’s absolutely amazing. 

Luke’s experiences show the value of community and support for success. With the right systems and a strong support structure,  you can achieve great business results as a custom home builder, AND have a healthy personal life. 

Success is more than just profits; it’s about living a fulfilling and balanced life.


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