Second Generation Builders Choosing Their Way to Build Better Homes

Second Generation Builders Choosing Their Way to Build Better Homes title on white background with photo of Amelia Lee and Duayne Pearce and Live Life Build Logo

Second generation builders are paving their way to build better homes.

If you’re a second generation builder, discover how you can choose your own path, and revolutionise home construction whilst you achieve greater success.

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In the residential construction industry, many builders follow in their families’ footsteps, often inheriting the skills and habits of previous generations. While this legacy can be a source of strength, it can also be a limitation. 

Let’s explore Todd’s journey. He is a second generation builder who has chosen to break free from traditional methods and create his own paths to success.

Breaking Free from Family Traditions


One of our members, Todd, it’s funny because it’s a similar story in our industry is a lot of people come out of a family business or their uncle or someone in their family has got them into the trade and they get stuck with all those bad habits. 

It really excites me when they get to a point where they realise, hang on a minute… 

I don’t have to do it that way. 

I don’t have to struggle with my entire business. 

I don’t have to have issues with clients. 

All these different things. 

Because they get confidence in doing it their way. They run their race. 


I remember Todd talking to me when we were on our DRIVE23 trip. He talked about being a second-generation builder, working with his Dad, and then making the call to go out on his own. 

I remember thinking, gosh, that would have been really brave. 

That would have actually taken a lot of courage to do that and have that conversation with your Dad and say, Hey, I don’t want to do business with you anymore. I want to do it my way. 

And it’s been incredible to see how he’s just gone from strength to strength as he’s got the tools and the knowledge that he needs to be able to put things into practice in his own business and do it his way. 

He started doing the PAC Process and does incredible projects for clients in inner Sydney. 

Overcoming Learned Habits


And it’s just that old-fashioned thing. You take on all these habits, whether it’s in business or in life, but with the people that you surround yourselves with as you’re growing up and you think it’s normal. 

A lot of the time, it’s not until you’re surrounded by an incredible community, people who are all striving to achieve better not just in their businesses but in their lives and change the industry and all those types of things that you realise this. 

When you have that moment where you have that realisation that it’s okay, we can still be family, we can still be friends, but you do things your way, I’m going to do it my way and it’s very empowering. 


It is. And like you said, we’ve got a fair few members who are second generation builders, who are making this call to unengineer that learning, unengineer the way that they’ve been taught. 

And this translates too, doesn’t it? Because most builders actually learn through an apprenticeship and they’re watching older builders do it a particular way. And they’re then realising that actually, no, there’s a different path I wanna tread. 


Well, even further than that, a lot of our industry associations and bodies, like the way you do your apprenticeships, all these types of things without knowing it, because you don’t know what you don’t know.

You just continue doing things the way you’ve been shown, even if the person who showed you is doing it wrong or could have done better. 

So yeah, I’m super proud that Live Life Build is giving all these people this opportunity to find their own way, discover who they really are, explore their potential, and be successful. 


And totally improve the industry in the process. 

Todd’s journey as a second-generation builder who chose his way is not just about personal success but also about enhancing the entire home construction industry. 

If you break free from old practices and embrace innovation, you are setting new standards and creating better homes for your clients. 


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