Proven Ways Custom Builders Can Save Their Failing Building Business

Proven Ways Custom Builders Can Save Their Failing Building Business title on white background with photo of Amelia Lee and Duayne Pearce and Live Life Build Logo

Are you struggling with a failing building business?

This guide offers custom builders proven methods to rescue a failing building business.

Watch the video now, or read the transcript below. Be sure to also subscribe to the Live Life Build YouTube channel.

Starting over after a building business failure can be incredibly daunting, especially for custom builders who face unique challenges. Nathan’s story perfectly shows how resilience and determination can turn things around. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how custom builders can transform a failing business into a thriving one by leveraging proven systems and expert guidance.

From Business Breakup to New Beginnings


So I remember Nathan. He came off the back of a bad business breakup partnership and had no direction as to where he was going to go. 

He didn’t know what he was going to do or how he was going to start again. 

On top of that, he moved nine hours away to a more rural location. 

His growth has been insane. 


What’s interesting is that he moved to a place where he had no reputation that he could build on in terms of his previous experience. 

But what I love is that he was able to start this new business with what he was learning in ELEVATE and actually get everything right from the get-go. 

We have people who join us in that position, still coming out of their apprenticeship and getting their licence, or they’ve decided to start a new business in a different location. 

They join ELEVATE and get all of those tools to be able to do it the right way the first time. 

The Impact of Proper Systems


It’s incredible seeing the confidence people have when they have support. 

They have the documents. 

They have all our Systems Library. 

They have all this stuff and just can see a path forward. 

But one of the big things I took away from Nathan was seeing everything we have in Elevate highlighted why the partnership business went so bad. 

  • They just weren’t doing things correctly. 
  • They didn’t know their numbers. 
  • They had no systems and processes. 

And just the excitement in him, coming from someone that’s had that experience of a business failing to now just hitting the ground running, is unbelievable. 


Yeah, it’s amazing. 

Nathan’s story isn’t unique. Many custom builders face similar challenges when starting over or entering new markets. But with proven systems and comprehensive support, they can save their failing business and set themselves up for long-term success. 

ELEVATE provides the tools to ensure custom builders can rebuild confidently and efficiently. If Nathan can do it, so can you!


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