How Custom Builders Can Achieve Business and Personal Balance

How Custom Builders Can Achieve Business and Personal Balance title on white background with photo of Amelia Lee and Duayne Pearce and Live Life Build Logo

Custom builders can find the perfect balance between business success and personal fulfilment.

Find out how custom builders can enjoy a balanced life while running a successful business.

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Nathan’s Inspiring Journey with Live Life Build and ELEVATE

Running a custom building business can be incredibly challenging, especially when you’re struggling with cash flow, debt, and pressure from family members who might not see the value in investing in business coaching. 

This was Nathan’s situation when he first joined Live Life Build’s ELEVATE, an industry-leading online program designed to help custom builders improve their projects, businesses and lives. 

His dad, who was helping in Nathan’s custom building business, actually told him not to join ELEVATE.

Nathan is very glad he didn’t take his Dad’s advice.

Let’s dive into Nathan’s story and see how his commitment to action and change has led to extraordinary results.

The Struggle Before the Breakthrough

Nathan’s initial situation was not uncommon among builders. Many find themselves in a similar position, unaware of the critical aspects of their business that need attention.


I remember when Nathan joined us. He was really struggling with some stuff, and I mean, his dad, who worked in his business, was saying to him, “You can’t afford to join.” 


It’s funny because, like most builders who come to Live Life Build, he just didn’t know what he didn’t know. So he had no cash flow, he didn’t know his numbers, he was running out of overdraft, he’d gotten into all this debt, and he didn’t know how to get out of it. 

A Commitment to Change

Nathan’s story is a powerful demonstration of what can happen with the right support and guidance. His success is not just financial; it extends to his personal life, providing a balance many builders aspire to achieve.


Yeah, and what was amazing was that he made that commitment, which was a really brave commitment. 

I mean, when you’ve got family members saying to you, hey, you can’t afford it, you know, it is, it’s a really, you’re stepping into something people are telling you not to do. 


He just hit the ground running, and it was incredible to see how quickly he was able to turn things around. He’s absolutely exploded. 

Within 12 months, 

He’s paid off his overdraft. 

He knows his numbers. 

He’s doing our PAC Process. 

He’s making a profit on every single project and covering his costs. 

He’s got his life back. 

They bought a caravan. 

They went on a one-month family holiday. 

12 months after joining up, and I think my favourite thing is that he’s actually getting out with his mates now. He’s back into his motorbike riding, and he’s enjoying life. 


It’s incredible, isn’t it? When you actually get the help that you need as a building business owner, you can start seeing what you need to put in place. The turnaround can be really, really quick, and it’s amazing to see how he was able to make this happen in his own life and business. 


Yeah take the actions, get the rewards. 

Nathan’s journey with Live Life Build ELEVATE highlights the profound impact that tailored business coaching and training can have. He was able to turn his struggling business into a successful one and get back his fulfilling personal life by acting decisively and dedicating himself to the right action.

If you’re a building business owner feeling overwhelmed by financial strain and uncertain about the next steps, explore what Live Life Build can offer. 

Check out ELEVATE, learn more about the program and hear from other members who have experienced similar transformations. 

Take the first step towards a more profitable and balanced life today.

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