The Power of a Supportive Community in the Home Building Industry

The Power of a Supportive Community in the Home Building Industry title on white background with photo of Amelia Lee and Duayne Pearce and Live Life Build Logo

Builders in the home building industry benefit from a strong, supportive community.

Learn how a supportive community fosters honesty and accountability for long-term business growth.

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In the traditionally male-dominated home building industry, vulnerability and openness are not often seen as strengths. However, at Live Life Build, we’ve created a unique community where builders, both men and their partners, feel empowered to share their challenges, support one another, and take radical responsibility for their personal and professional growth. 

This supportive community allows one of our builder members, Anthony, to thrive in his business and step into a true leadership role while fostering a culture of honesty and community.

A Shift in the Home Building Industry: Embracing Vulnerability


I find that as a woman who’s worked in a male-dominated industry for a really long time, I’ve had an experience of how men show up in this industry in a particular way. 

What I am blown away by what we’ve been able to create in Live Life Build is that it’s so contrary to my experience of the industry as a woman. 

I see men showing up being willing to be vulnerable, 

  • being willing to embrace our community, 
  • share their challenges, 
  • share their struggles, 
  • help each other out, 
  • check in on each other, and 
  • talk openly and honestly about what’s going on for them. 

And one of our members, Anthony, has just been extraordinary in how he’s been able to do this. 


It’s like the floodgates open. I’m old school. I never used to be like this either. 

But creating a community that is such a safe place now for people to feel like they can be vulnerable is just so empowering. 

When builders and builders’ partners, whoever it may be, are in that environment where they feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable, like I said the floodgates just open

This gate is gone, this concrete wall and all of a sudden, they accept what they need to do and they take responsibility. 

It’s just awesome. 

Owning Mistakes and Learning from Them


One of our favourite mantras is “Nothing happens to you. It happens because of you”. (Grant Cardone)

And that radical self-accountability, that radical responsibility, because we’ve created this safe place, people can come and say, “Look, I know I stuffed up, and I’m not going to do it again.”

These are the things I’m going to put into practice to change things and as a result, 

  • they get to step into their leadership 
  • they get to step into being able to work much more effectively with their teams and clients and create a better business. 

And Anthony is a really amazing example of this because he has been able to turn things around with his team. 

He’s able to talk really openly and honestly about things, and he’s been able to create a different story for himself and how his business operates. 

Creating a Safe and Supportive Community for Builders


From my personal experience, when that happens, the sky’s the limit because we all don’t know what we don’t know.

Sometimes you have to be vulnerable to actually let it go and realise it’s okay to say, “Well, I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know how I need to do that”. 

All these types of things. 

So the fact that we have made a community that makes that feel safe, it’s fantastic.


It’s one of my favourite things about the community that we have created that it is such a safe place for builders to come to see: 

  • there are others like them going through similar things,
  • they’ve got a place where they can come to feel safe, 
  • to be able to talk openly, and 
  • get the support and help that they need. 

Live Life Build is more than just a community—it’s a transformative space for builders to grow as leaders and individuals. 

By fostering a culture of vulnerability, support, and accountability, we’re helping builders break free from old patterns and create thriving businesses built on strong foundations. 

When builders can connect with one another, take responsibility for their actions, and learn from their experiences, the possibilities for growth are limitless.


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